Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hola todos! This is Jessie taking over for the night while our favorite heroines are off furiously working on a presentation for tomorrow and recovering from cooking a delicious pasta dinner for the troops (gracias Alicia!). We may or may not have had a few slices of pan (bread) served extra tostada this evening....

I am far less blog savvy then my companeras, so I'm going to do a quick summary of the day and let the photos do the talking. This morning was spent at the Centro de Salud giving heaps of vacunas (vaccines) to the bebes and providing breastfeeding education to the new moms when possible. Following this, we headed back out to the barrio per our usual routine to visit with the familias. After spending 3 days away, I was surprised and SO heart-happy by how comfortable and familiar it felt to hug our madre hello, and to sit and chat on her patio. Her pooch, nino, even felt so at ease with us that he barely fussed when we arrived and even chose our chairs to curl up under. We were able to progress beyond the physical ailments, and move into the emotional aspects of life - something that is undoubtedly important, but often pushed aside when the environmental and physical concerns alone overwhelm you. Best spanglish moment of the day? Attempting to translate the idea of "empty nest syndrome"...it may have involved some well developed charades skills (perhaps my new favorite game?) and lots of quizzical looks from the recipients of the explanation. At any rate, its time for sleep, enjoy the photos! Buenos noches!

1 comment:

  1. Good filling in! I love all the posts ladies. What an amazing experience you have all had! Big hugs for everyone, see you soon and travel safely. PS: There is a hurricane waiting for you upon your return. Love, Ellen
